
A child on average asks 300, Questions a DAY!!

& I was no exception to that fact. Being a kid I always used to ask, How? Why?

Apart from the fact that being a kid I was familiar with these words only.

As I was growing up I thought twice before asking questions, I hesitated for something I never; back then when I was a child.

And the same happens with most of us…as time passes we lock our curiosity deep inside our mind!

Most of the time it’s because we hear things like stop asking questions or be an adult now!

We forget the importance of curiosity in our life. And today I would like to talk about it with you all.

What curiosity does:

Achievement booster: A student, for example, his curious nature, about a subject will not only increase his chances of getting good grades but also will help him to understand the concept instead of mugging it up.

Curiosity makes us HAPPIER!!! can you believe it?!!! I can not I mean the element which we all lose in this chaotic world gives us HAPPINESS?!!

But yes, yes it’s true…curiosity is known to be associated with higher levels of positive emotions, lower levels of anxiety.

Makes us social: We all know how important communication is in our life & what role it plays in making us social.

Curiosity helps us to be more social as we are interested to know about people around us about their lives, their choices, etc.

The necessity of curiosity: What I think is, curiosity’s foundation of all our growth, advancement, development, which we made up till now.

And for making further progress, we do need it.

When we talk about eminent personalities we say they are prudent, pragmatic, etc. but most of the time forget to mention that they were curious about their surroundings!

Forget to mention the fact that they always kept; that curious child alive inside them.

Can we bring our curiosity back?:

The most effective way according to me which I would like to recommend you all is to make a curiosity jar.

It’s a productive aspect to get back your curiosity.

One method which may sound bizarre is to talk with small kids.

There’s a high chance that, watching them or hearing them being curious, may awake your curiosity from its deep sleep.

Curiosity is like a seed that is buried underneath you…all you have to do is give it water & sunlight!


128 thoughts on “Curiosity

  1. Wonderful thought process and actually agree that as we grow we stop asking questions…. my take away from this is start being curious once again 😊👍🏻

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Talk with small kids! Yes. And imitate their curiosity. Very often I write about how kids help us to revive the purity and joy that we still are even when we masquerade around like big know-it-alls.
    That purity and joy. It’s not lost — simply buried under ‘important grownup’ stuff. Lovely article. Enjoying and nodding with you. Keep it up. Good stuff here. Thanks.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. When I was at schools on my teaching placements, while training to be a teacher at university, I was in awe of the different directions students’ minds took. So many unexplored avenues all because questions were left unasked.

    The only stupid question is one you don’t ask.

    One of my good friends advocates asking questions about everything, it is the way we learn after all. Getting to know her has helped awaken a bit of that child-like curiosity, to ask questions and seek answers to those questions.

    Thank you for sharing this important lesson I will need to re-learn many times over the course of my life!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I loved the sentence: The only stupid question is one you don’t ask.
      And yes there is nothing wrong in asking questions, infact most of the people are eager or are willing to answer things, u just need to ask!
      Btw..thanks for stopping by and commenting 🙂🥰

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Curiosity is an essential attribute for life. I don’t think your suggestion to awaken curiosity by talking with small kids is at all bizarre! As a teacher, I found student’s curiosity delightful! Learning along with them brought joy and satisfaction to my life. Great post! ❤ All the best!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow ur a tr. It’s a profession where u put colors on an blank or new canvas ( in children’s mind… color of knowledge) I respect u for that!
      Also thanks for stopping by and commenting 🙂🥰

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh this is fantastic! I agree with you and having children of my own plus working in a school I can be asked questions all day long. I have learnt from the children to be brave enough to ask my own questions even when they feel silly. I actually wrote a very similar post on my page. Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I find myself doing things I never thought I would as an adult, it has also made me more brave as I am their teacher I have to show them its not scary even though inside I freak out a bit, I found myself digging through mud and soil with my hands to pick up worms, that was one thing I was freaking out at, a little bit of fear of the unknown.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hahaha…Ig ur a biology tr.
        Yes, being a tr. sometimes u need to put a brave face…& even thou u said u freak out a little, am sure u must be an excellent tr. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Tested covid negative…still hv a terrible cold and throat ache…gave a blood sample today for tests….so did my mum…she tested negative as well, but it a worse condition….thanks for your blessings and wishes..✨💖🤩👍🥰

        Liked by 2 people

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  7. Curiosity is key! I am living it now in my 40’s. Age doesn’t matter….when I was younger ” to be seen and not heard”.
    So now I am all ears and all voice. Love this post🦋

    Liked by 2 people

      1. the questions

        through the others
        to knowledge
        to come

        the questioning child
        to be helpful

        the trace
        after the searched
        to be able to find

        Liked by 1 person

  8. This piece is so much like your name Butterfly… fluttering from flower to flower… always searching… never allowing what is known, or thought to be known, to curb one’s curiosity…!

    Liked by 1 person

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